I cannot praise this company enough! Basically each box cost around £3.95 and you can chose what day you want it be to be sent on - I go with Thursday because quiet frankly I find Thursday rather dull! - Whats inside? FOOOOOD!! Heatlhy, organic, naughty, fruity, amazing food!
To give you an example here is my Graze box I received today!
Pretty awesome hey? Each little box tells you whats exactly inside and it will even tell you if its one of your 5 a day, if its a super food, if its high in fibre, and if its a naughty snack it will even tell you the calorie count! Whats great about Graze is you can go on their website and chose the type of foods you like eating, and I'm pretty certain your first box is FREE!
All in all I highly recommend Graze, I have been religiously receiving my boxes for over a year now - it is certainly a little box of happiness every Thursday! :)
I love these i get one every week. Have you tried the breakfast, there yummy. Thank you for folowing my profile. Ive followed your blog, have a look at mine if you get time. I would love if you could follow my blog too. xoxo